"While I have just recently become a convert to tailored clothes, the staff at Noble House put my fears to rest regarding all steps in the process and surprised me with beautifully tailored clothes. I loved working with your associate who helped me pick out suitable shirting fabrics and some very nice fabrics for the sport coats and slacks I wanted made. He helped me choose suitable styles to fit my body type and suggested what he'd thought would complement me the best. The prices for the tailored pieces were comparable to what you'd pay stateside for top tier 'off-the-rack' garments, except you'd never be able to achieve the fit of tailored clothing. The clothes arrived when said they would and I was excited and very satisfied with what I found inside the package. I have received nothing but complements on your garments and inquiries as to where I could have bought a 'jacket like that' or 'a shirt like this'. Part of me wants to keep the secret, but the other is very happy to inform them of Noble House tailors. I must say, by the great attention to detail and great care in the construction of the garments. As I had never had anything made before, I didn't know what to expect. I KNOW I will not be going back to 'off the rack' ever again. You have gained another convert to custom made tailoring. I would like to express my thanks and admiration to you and all of the staff at Noble house. Thank you, Mr. Wadhwani, you'll be getting a new order soon."
Carlos Amador, Jr.
Chicago, IL, USA